The Biovalley Finland hub promotes circular economy and business
BORN OUT of a unique network of industry, primary production and academic research, Biovalley Finland forms a knowledge hub of chemistry, bioeconomy and mineral economy in the Central Ostrobothnian region. Led by Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius, Biovalley Finland brings together 23 regional partners for collaboration, innovation and research.
“All of our partners are represented in the Biovalley advisory board, where joint matters are discussed – often quite freely. This forum offers favourable circumstances for innovation, and here new ideas are born, as industry and primary production learn from each other”, says Tiina Aittola, Biovalley Coordinator from Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius.
UP UNTIL NOW, Biovalley Finland has mainly been a local force in circular economy and business, but with increased international cooperation, the hub’s projects today stretch beyond the region. Through different collaborations the aim is to raise the knowledge cluster to an international level.
“The industry in our region is a forerunnerin circular economy. We promote this through campaigns targeting decision makers both nationally and at EU-level. Another good way of sharing knowledge internationally are Horizon 2020 projects and actions in smart specialisation platforms”, Aittola tells.
EVERY NOVEMBER, the Biovalley Finland partners arrange Kokkola Material Week, a week-long international conference, which showcases thelatest research and industry innovations in circular economy, bioeconomy and mineral economy. The event attracts academic and industry visitors with its wide selection of speakers from both Finland and abroad.
“Kokkola Material Week is a shared tour de force in our network. It is an important arena for our hub, where we get to display our vast know-how in these subjects”, says Aittola.