JTK Power delivers outstanding silencers globally
IN AUGUST 2019, Robert Ollus was appointed as the new CEO for JTK Power. He is convinced that the company, which manufactures silencers, steel structures, doors for air raid shelters, catalyst structures and critical components for engines in Finland, Estonia and China, will have a prosperous future.
“We have the ingredients for success: excellent products and highly-motivated employees with an extraordinary pro-company spirit”, says Robert Ollus.
JTK Power mainly delivers components and solutions to the energy and marine sectors worldwide. The company has now started to develop their strategy in response to future market needs.
“We are investing in our production so that we can manufacture the valve seats of tomorrow. Our goal is to become the world’s best manufacturerof engine valve seats and silencers, and number one in Finland when it comes to air raid shelters. We want to change from a component supplier to a system and solutions provider.”
JTK POWER’S unique know-how is in reducing oscillating low-frequency sounds to a minimum. Noise as well as exhausts are environmental pollution, and hence, the company’s silencers and catalysts have a positive effect on the environment.
“We aim to develop unique silencers that can adapt themselves to the incoming sound level.”
Welding is the primary skill needed in JTK Power’s factory, and the company is a world leader in the highly-specialised welding techniques needed when working with weathering steel (COR-TEN®).
It is a high strength, low alloy weldable struc-tural steel that never needs to be painted, since it gets a layer of rust protecting its surface.”
OLLUS IS convinced that high-quality, competitively-priced solutions can be made profitably in Vörå, Finland, and not necessarily in a so-called low-cost country. The solution for that is continuous improvement in the factory as well as in product development.
“Our silencers are world-class, and our factory is the central unit for product development and piloting new products. At JTK Power, entrepreneurial spirit is not merely a phrase – we experience the concept daily. You are only ever as good as your team! I am convinced that we can succeed in our venture towards a successful future”, Robert Ollus concludes.